Review Your Plan

Changes in your personal circumstances, financial or otherwise, could have an impact on your goals and your ability to achieve them. By reviewing your financial management plan frequently, you'll be in a better position to adapt to these changes. This review will help you maximize the influence of positive changes and minimize the impact of negative changes.

Once you've implemented some of the financial management strategies outlined on this website, the final step toward achieving your goals is taking the time to review your progress. If you're making progress, a review will confirm this progress and let you know you're on the right track. If your progress is not as planned, you'll know to make appropriate changes.

Adjust Your Plan to Your Circumstances

  • Use the What's Happening? worksheet to reflect upon your current situation and upcoming life events.
  • Use one of the financial plan checklists to identify those areas requiring attention:
    • Financial Plan Checklist: Simple
    • Financial Plan Checklist: Detailed
  • Update your Net Worth and Income, Expense and Saving statements, as well as the Current and Future Expense worksheet

If you don’t have an action plan in place, now is the time to get started on one. Use one or more of the ProsperiGuide ''Implement Your Plan'' action plans. Periodically review, monitor and update your progress. Adapt your plan and timelines to account for any setbacks or unexpected events.

Experiencing a major life event? Check out the resources in the Life Events section of this website.

Do you have a My ProsperiGuide Account?

Complete or update the roadmap survey to ensure your action plan suits your current situation. Make sure to review each section of your account!

  • My Action Plan: Prioritize your action plan items and assess your progress
  • My Worksheets:  Update your worksheets with your current information
  • My Tax Tables: Revisit when making upcoming tax-related decisions or when moving to another tax region 

Take a tour to see what a PropseriGuide account can do for you:

  • How to get the most value out of your account
  • What’s inside each tab on the left sidebar
  • How to use key features
Take a look inside